
Saturday, January 19, 2013

How food has changed

I've been in the food/restaurant business for nearly 38 years.  There have been so many changes over the years.  I remember my first restaurant food show.  Almost every vendor at the show had "real food".  I mean nothing prepackaged or prepared.  Meats, poultry, fish, dairy products, vegetables.  A few booths had prepared foods, but no self respecting chef or restaurant owner would buy those things!  First of all they tasted like plastic and why buy it when you knew you could make it better from scratch yourself?
Now you go to a food show and most every vendor has prepackaged products!  Easier, less waste,  more cost effective, less labor...  More sugar, more salt, more fat, more additives, more junk!

I heard an interview the other day on public radio with John Mackey, co-CEO of Whole Foods.  He made an interesting statement.
"People in America are addicted to sugar, and to fat and to salt," he says, and as a nation, it's holding us back. "Food is intensely pleasurable, and people are afraid that if they change the way they eat, they'll stop having pleasure."

I thought to myself, how did that happen?  It wasn't overnight.  Our food system has been hijacked slowly and methodically until we can't recognize real food anymore.  I say let's take back our taste buds and our health and really enjoy the goodness of real food again.  Get to know what's really in the food you are buying.  Read the labels.  Buy it fresh, buy organic (no GMO*), buy it local.  Have fun in the kitchen.  Cooking is like music to me. There are only 7 basic musical notes and just think of all the wonderful music there is and will be from just those 7 notes.  Now imagine all the different food (whole food, real food) that is available out there.  Now that is a symphony waiting to be enjoyed!  Let's make some great music!

Here is a link to a shopping list that has non GMO and possible GMO ingredients.  It is hosted by Institute for Responsible Technology.  There are down loads and I think some great information.

*Genetically Modified Organism

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